Friday, November 17, 2017

Sexual Harrassment at Bay Area TV/Radio? Of Course

Image result for sexual harassment DOES SEXUAL HARRASSMENT EXIST at Bay Area TV/Radio stations? Uh, sure, is the sky blue?

I've hesitated to write about this because there's so much commotion going on nationally --I don't have to tell you the specifics just read the headlines every day now. Seems that when misconduct is taking place, sexual and otherwise, it's more the rule now then the exception and of course, it exists here too.

Because of that, I'm asking you Bay Area media professionals; women and men alike, to write to me if you wish and tell me if you've had any misconduct directed toward you and if so, what did you do, if at all, and how do you feel about it now.

Your name and affiliation will be private unless you want to go on the record. If you want complete anonymity you will be allowed that right. Want to point out this is all in response to the growing allegations that continue to make news.

To contact me at 415 Media:


  1. Yes, Rich, I, Kathleen, have been a victim of sexual misconduct. 1977-1979. WSNS-TV Channel 44 Chicago, Illinois. In studio control a producer, standing behind her, (not me) would pull out his private and put it on the chyron operator's(her) shoulder. Not every day, of course, but once was enough. I have other examples... Producers and directors owned that station not management. That's why I'm always criticizing management in your blog..also trying, although harder, to call out the news directors.

    1. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Part 2. I was 26 yrs, old and just out of college. WSNS was my first job in television..I was hired only for "summer relief" was laid in 1979 and did nothing about any harassment.

  3. Rich, when you get a chance, ask Maureen Langan about the time Karel stole paper checks out of her purse when they last worked together at KGO. She brought it up on air at the time.

    1. Nothing about Karel would surprise me unless it was that he made love to a woman.

    2. Karel declared bankruptcy around this time. I emailed Maureen about this, and she wanted to know more. Now, she disowns the whole thing.

    3. Paper checks? As in for a checking account? Did he steal money?

      As much as I can't stand that clown Maureen Langan, if true, that is terrible.

    4. Karel stole her check book essentially? What were the ramifications?
      Does anyone still follow him anywhere out there?

    5. I told Maureen to go to HR, then everybody denied everything and Maureen said I was full of shit.
      Last I heard about Karel, he was taking out high-interest loans (some to pay off others) and selling autographs at soon-to-be defunct electronic stores.

  4. QUOTE: I was hired only for "summer relief" was laid in 1979 and did nothing about any harassment. END QUOTE.

    Was laid in 1979? Was a very good year...

    1. I like to pick apart people and joke around as much as the next guy on here however I commend her for putting what she did out there and feel its in bad taste to even write what you wrote. She obviously meant to type "laid off".

  5. I've seen and heard so much, but I won't name names. This business is crazy.

  6. Man Rich, I am glad you brought this up because I am really getting tired of hearing about all of this abuse stuff on the news. What really gets to me, is all of the so-called "stars" who have suddenly come forward with claims against Weinstein. The whole world knows about the "casting couch", and the whole world knows too, that everyday, 100s of girls arrive in LA, hoping to become a star. Does anyone not believe that these girls, if they get a chance at an interview in an office, often try to do things to further their careers? I mean, c'mon now! And if some of these same stars, now come forward and claim they were harassed, well, it really is exasperating to me, because it is not always the man's fault entirely, as the women will do what it takes to become a star. It not only happens in the media industry, but in regular jobs too. I once worked at a major oil company, and there was this girl who was promoted to supervisory level on swing-shift, and the whole building knew that she screwed the boss in order to get the promotion. She knew that everyone knew too, which is why she asked to be on swing-shift, and she was also locked away in a secure area only admissible with the proper security clearance, so she was away from the general work population. That old saying "fuck their way to the top", is a valid phrase as it describes how a lot of people get to where they are today.

  7. As I read and hear about all the horrific sexual harassment problems women are now coming forward to report, some life changing, I am also thinking about the women locked up in the North Korean slave labor prison camps, they are being sexually harassed also.

    The guards randomly select and rape the women and if they become pregnant the guards have a simple solution...the women are executed!!

    I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet!

    1. Those poor people would probably welcome the site of a mushroom stop the endless suffering.

  8. Just me to you- but what have you heard about KRON? I've never seen Radnich do his (Thursday) segment from the broom closet- meanwhile,Henry whats his name did Fridays sports from the old sports podium.
    It must have been a huge argument between Moore and Radnich- he didn't show up on Friday.

    1. Just shut the fuck up, clown. Not the post for this made up bullshit. Read the room for once.

    2. You REALLY need to get some professional help for your Radnich obsession dude, it's not healthy or funny anymore.

  9. When you stop to consider that most men under 50 learned their sexual acumen from porn, and then consider that porn is made by people who are acting, you can better understand the crude and childish behavior cited above, the rise in erectile dysfunction, and the lack of sexual satisfaction among members of this group.

    1. Hmm the Jews run the porn industry as well. Should we blame the Jews for this? I wonder what Larry David has to say about this.

    2. Sexual satisfaction...well yea!! It's mine and I can wash it as fast as I want to!

      A Nation wide sex survey many years ago indicated that 95% of us admit to masturbation, and the other 5% were lying.

      Donate to the 415...You will have better sex!

  10. Ah,I was just reminded of Gary Radnich 25 years of terror. Remember he told Mark Nieto of KCBS "Mark,your mother was banged by eight sailors" Nieto,like most workplace underlings had to take it from the Cumulus darling on air live,under 50,000 watts.
